Meditation Practices

Meditation Practices at Our Centre
Our centre offers Buddhist meditations, teachings & retreats, taught and led by the Reverend Greek monk Nyanadassana (Ioannis Tselios) and based upon the authentic instructions given by the Historical Buddha.
All sessions are currently provided online and are free of charge.
The main meditation techniques that are taught in our centre are: Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (ānāpānasati), Meditation on Friendliness (mettā), as well as Insight Meditation (vipassanā) on applying memory to the body, the feelings and the mind.
Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation helps concentrate the mind and allows us to be able to function better and more effectively, both in our everyday and in our spiritual life.
Meditation on Friendliness helps us drive away our negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones, primarily about ourselves and then, consequently, about all living beings. Focusing on ourselves, without guilt or our ego getting in the way, is a necessary and sufficient condition for a happy life. It improves our personal relationships, as well as our relationship with the environment we live in. We become loved, trusted and compassionate individuals, ready to help others if asked, while maintaining our peace of mind.
Insight Meditation includes exercises on memory, mindfulness and awareness which are used to observe and comprehend the transient nature of all intellectual and physical phenomena that can cause unhappiness if they linger.
Finally, Insight Meditation helps us live without illusions, know the reality of our existence and detach ourselves from anything that brings unhappiness and suffering in our lives.
Subscribe here! We will be informing you about our free lessons and we will send you as a gift, one of the most popular discourses of the Buddha, Karaṇīya Metta Sutta, in e-book, in English.

Apart from the meditations, teachings and retreats that take place at our premises (subject to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions) and online, our Teachers-monks offer the same sessions to people that cannot join us due to their tight schedule. These sessions can take place in a workplace, a school or any other space, as long as you express your interest (subject to COVID-19 pandemic regulations).
Spiritual serenity is beneficial for both our mental and our physical health. Peace of mind helps us develop a better relationship with ourselves and, consequently, with the people and the beings that surround us.
A person that is spiritually serene does not bother to get angry, irritated or hold negative feelings towards others; on the contrary, he/she develops friendly feelings. In this case, when the others see this person be and feel calm and friendly, they are positively affected and, in turn, they become calm and friendly themselves.
Meditation has the power to transform a person’s negative feelings into positive feelings and offer them the chance to find true happiness.
Our meditations, teachings and retreats are provided free of charge as a social contribution towards our fellow humans, regardless of their religious, political, social or other views; our goal is to help as many human beings as possible to develop spiritual serenity and wisdom, through meditation.